Archive for the 'God and His Ways' Category

(Posts Archive)

What are God’s Secrets?

A few mornings ago, as we were thinking together about the question “What is God Hiding?”, I woke with a song running through my mind, over and over. What seemed strange to me is that it was a hymn that I have not thought about or sung for years. It was also  a hymn that […]

Who Does God Hide From?

One of the mysterious themes of the Bible is that God hides himself from some and reveals himself to others. On one level we might say that God hides from those who don’t want to find him (or who don’t want to wait for him), and who would instead rather look for other gods they […]

What is God Hiding?

Could it be true that the greatness of God lies not only in what he has revealed, but in what he has concealed? If so, what is he hiding? Prov 25:2 gives us what amounts to a riddle. There we read that the glory of God is to conceal a thing but that to search […]

Before and After 9-11

Just before Labor Day, I took a few days off work and decided to spend some time  trying to brush up a rusty golf swing. What I saw when I got to the range made me laugh. A family of wild turkeys seemed to have concluded that the safest place in the world isn’t in […]

In Our Story Who Plays Us?

In November of 1947, Harry S. Truman, the 33rd President of the United States lobbied for a United Nations resolution that would divide Palestine into Jewish and Arab States. Truman later expressed his faith in the reborn state of Israel saying, “I believe it has a glorious future before it – not just [as] another […]

Does Anyone Care?

I’ve been thinking lately about inviting a guest blogger from time to time to give us a change of pace and some different perspectives to think about. So please welcome Mike Wittmer. He’s one of our regular bloggers at Our Daily Journey. Over the next couple weeks, we’ll be featuring a few of his posts […]

A Song for Those Who Remain

As of today, news agencies are reporting that the number of those lost in the Haitian earthquake has reached the number of those who died in the Asian Tsunami of 2004. Who can measure the loss of one—let alone 230,000 and counting… And why them and not us? Only God knows why we are still […]

Sovereignty and Free-Will

Would God hold us accountable for something that He has not given us the ability to do? The people of Israel might have wondered as much when they heard Moses say, in his farewell address, “The LORD has not given you a heart to perceive and eyes to see and ears to hear” (Deut 29:4 […]

What We Can or Can’t See

On the threshold of the Promised Land, God told his people that even though they had seen him do many wonderful things through the rescue of the Exodus, and through the provisions of the Wilderness, they didn’t get what he was doing for them. More specifically, Moses wrote, “To this day the LORD has not […]

Taking Inventory and Steps

Over the months I’ve talked every once in a while about how 12 Step thinking and process echoes basics of true spirituality. Even after the specific language of the Bible has been removed to make the Steps “accessible” to those who come with an aversion to the “religion” of their past, real wisdom remains. Step […]

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